“The Art of Inaccuracy” – The Second Absolution

In a restless settlement of inadequacy and inferiority, inaccuracy seems like fuel to the fire. Just how the chain effect of link in and link out, of cause and consequence takes one from the stronghold of sanity to the uncertainty birthed by insanity. The entire prospect is pretty similar to how one comes to age and figures out in that coming of age, to rather incur in the cycle of pleasing or disrupt the societal facade to construct your own realm. It is like any other thing entirely relative and circumstantial but then again, how many of us actually tend to fend off the comfort zone, reach out and do what is commanded by our brains and thought processes because surely, one way or another, things are connected.


As we all, I suppose, are once or even incessantly ground in the mill of normalcy, of coming to a societal acceptance or in a more archaic manner, fit in the mould. It isn’t to anyone’s surprise how little people we have actually trying to make a difference and it isn’t their fault because the majority of them spend their lives trying to escape the rotational repetition which is not an accomplishment but instead, robotics is a more accurate word. A child is told to give exam after exam because that is the way he or she will gain a firm footing in the world, the point being, is gaining a firm footing all that life has to offer? Did anyone who ever set out to contribute to a difference had a firm footing on it?

You see, inaccuracy, in my opinion, is the stronghold of all improvement and acceptance. A couple of inaccuracies in one’s way teaches one to accept what is there imminently and tend to see if there is any possible improvement instead of learning to fret over the inaccuracy, bloom perhaps a tilted flower.

The Creative Process Involved

So this was my second painting, painted with acrylics and this was when I apprehended the first fact, you can’t really paint the smoothest of backgrounds with the same shade if you’re using acrylics, at least I couldn’t. And apart from trying numerous times, I tend to just accept it as it is and move on. And then there was the second problem. I had used a whitener to actually draw out the traditional motive on the painting and I ran out of it. And so I bought a new one to continue the painting and no matter how many times I would repeat it, it won’t end up being the exact shade of white that I was looking for so in the end, I did what I could, gave my best and loved it the way it turned out to be.

This is more of a simplicity in the intricacy. A life described among the lines, or a character developed with a few words just like poetry, in a few words, endless distances can be traversed. It is all pretty exhilarating, how in a few twists and turns an entire story can be said and a picture brought to life. For few, it might just be another traditional and artistic symbol or motive, and to others, it might be an entire story in a few words. But if there is one thing to take away from it, it is that no matter how intricate somethings might look and sound, there is always something that catches the eye and touches the soul, something that is beautiful even in the chaos and uncertainty, in the silence and the inaccuracy, you just need to have an eye out for it.

Additionally, even what seems like a struggle is nothing but another prepossession waiting for apprehension, a dream waiting to be realized, a voice waiting to be heard, a poem waiting to be read and a hand waiting to be held (“A Hand to be Held” by Imaan Siddiq). And this is what I like to refer to as the “Art of Inaccuracy”.

Photography of the Said Narrative


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