“A Proactive Present” – International Women’s Day 2020

A Proactive Present

As her eyes gazed into the farthest distance,

She stood there with the strongest resolve.

With her unfaltering will.

Did she finally etch her existence through the ravines of injustice,

With her stance of empowerment?

Was she on the path of righteousness or doomed to an ever-lasting punishment?

For who is to decide?


She was done being less than what she could be,

An inferiority in the void is not her fate.

Neither was she ready to be mere debris,

For she was not destined to be in the servitude of those that dominate.


To lower her gaze and to be accepted,

To shrink her body in fear,

And feel a pang of guilt for the sins she did not commit.

To compromise incessantly just because she is the fairer sex is no more.

To be house-bound is not her destiny,

And choice is a subjective term demanding respect. 


However, it is in the laws of nature,

For what is in an inequality,

Shall ascend to be in equality,

And innovate humanity for a symbiotic co-existence,

For a better tomorrow,

And the initiation of a proactive present. 

– Imaan Siddiq






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